Outlook Calendar Delete Single Event From Tripit Feed

Questions tagged [google-calendar]

For questions about the Calendar service provided by Google as accessed by a desktop or mobile browser. Questions about native smartphone apps are off-topic on Web Apps.

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Can I create a Google Calendar event that repeats at every 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday in the month?

Is it possible to create an event that repeats at every 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday in the month in Google calendar?

Christian's user avatar

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29 votes

6 answers


How to delete all events on many dates all at once but not the whole Calendar in Google Calendar?

How to delete all events on many dates all at once but not the whole Calendar in Google Calendar? I tried to click on a date that got an event to delete and dragged my mouse to 2 days after that date, ...

Arie's user avatar

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77 votes

10 answers


Create a Gmail filter for Calendar Notifications

I'd like to create a Gmail filter to filter all of my Google Calendar notifications into a separate folder. Google Calendar notifications have headers that look like the following: Reply-To: Helen ...

emmby's user avatar

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70 votes

12 answers


How to make a task repeat on the last day of each month in Google Calendar?

Pretty much the subject says it all. How can I make a task repeat on the end of each month in google calendar. Jan 31- repeated task Feb 28 - repeated task march 31 - repeated task april 30 - ...

chobo2's user avatar

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Automatically open ICS files in Google Calendar

Lots of web sites have an option to export events as an ICS file that can then be imported into a desktop or web-based calendar (for example if you're invited to a Facebook event there will be an ...

GAThrawn's user avatar

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38 votes

2 answers


Show availability/busy status across multiple Google calendars

I'm currently connected to three Google calendars. One is my office calendar where I keep track of my work plans when I am focusing on certain projects and whatnot. Another is where I keep my ...

user avatar

13 votes

2 answers


Change back to Google classic calendar

Google just reverted me to the new calendar. When I click on the gear, I don't have the "classic" option anymore. I hate the new format. Anyone have any ideas.

user178004's user avatar

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10 votes

3 answers


Easiest way to transfer Google data between accounts

Previously we had free accounts with Google for our Calendars, Contacts etc. We are now signed up as App Business and have new accounts. What is the easiest way to transfer: Google Calendar Google ...

TheEdge's user avatar

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How to remove Birthdays from Google Calendar

How to delete Birthdays from Google Calendar? There is no link in Calendars settings, which allows to unsubscribe from Birthdays calendar in Google Calendar.

Mike's user avatar

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When are reminders sent for Google Calendar all-day events?

If I set up an all day event and choose "10 minutes" as the remind time, when should I expect to be reminded of the event? I'm looking for an exact date/time. Update: I guess they are really sent ...

Senseful's user avatar

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Sync, not export, Facebook events with Google Apps calendar

I have tried this before but didn't get anywhere. I have a Google Apps account of my own domain that I use for email, calendar and contacts. I sync all of these with my iPhone. I would like to sync ...

Daniel Bowden's user avatar

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How can I get my TripIt calendar to show up on Google Calendar?

I want to see my upcoming TripIt travel plans on my Google Calendar. I thought I would just be able to subscribe to my TripIt ical feed from GCal, but it doesn't seem to work. I got my ical feed ...

pkaeding's user avatar

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Sync Office 365 calendar to Google calendar

I could not find an up to date question about how to sync an Office 365 calendar to Google calendar. I do not wan't to use an application designed to use the desktop version of Outlook like OggSync ...

Ogglas's user avatar

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How can I import Facebook events into my Google calendar?

I get a lot of invitations via Facebook, but I keep track of my schedule with Google calendar. Is there any way to automatically import or sync my Facebook events to my Google calendar?

cstack's user avatar

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24 votes

5 answers


How to limit visible hours in new Google Calendar

Until Google forced the new calendar on users, I was able to hide selected morning/night hours using a Labs feature. Is there any way to do the same in the new version, either through the calendar ...

dkv's user avatar

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Source: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/google-calendar?tab=Frequent

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